Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Hayes Hall Tower Clock and Westminster Chime (Bell Inscriptions)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Great Thanksgiving for Hope, Possibility and Hospitality
This is the prayer of consecration and thanksgiving we offered today at Kairos:
Heavenly Father, you created and gave your children the gift of this earth. You filled it with a rainbow of people to love, respect and live in community with each other. You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the Supreme Example of Holy Unity.
Gracious God, we come today to say Thank you! Thank you for loving us enough to send us your darling Son, Jesus to be our Christ. Thank you for being so merciful that your blessings to us are more than we deserve. Thank you for allowing us to live to see the answer to centuries old prayers. Thank you this day for a new day in the history of the world, for our new President-Elect and World Leader, Barack Hussein Obama. We acknowledge his election as a Kairos moment. We accept his election as clear evidence of your moving in human history and we give you glory.
Therefore, we join our voices with that great a cloud of witnesses who surround us, those who now are looking to us over the canopy of the heavens, those who died in the faith, not having received the promise but having seen it afar off. We join our voices with our forebears who have already joined the eternal chorus of angels, archangels and all the company of heaven and in victory we laud and magnify Your Holy name evermore praising you and singing,
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of Thee.
Heaven and earth are praising Thee.
O Lord, Most High. AMEN.
Yes Lord, You are Holy and Righteous and Powerful and altogether Lovely. There is none like you. When the blood of heifers and doves would no longer suffice of the sins of Your people, You sent Your Son from His throne in Glory to condescend to live among us, a people who had wandered far from you. Jesus lived and showed us the way of love and the path of peace. Jesus died and opened for us the way of salvation and victory. Jesus rose and demonstrated the way to overcome. You sent your Spirit and empowered us to continue the ministry of Jesus, our Christ.
And so Lord, we gather at your table in celebration. You declare us equal at this Table. At this table of equality there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, black nor white, rich nor poor, male nor female. At this table, we are one. By Your great power Lord God, our hope that the equality we experience at this table is now being realized in the earth.
In celebration of the establishment Your Kingdom of Equality our Lord Jesus, in the same night that he was betrayed, took Bread; and, when he had given thanks, he brake it; and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take, eat; this is my Body which is given for you: Do this in remembrance of me. Likewise after supper he took the Cup; and, when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all, of this; for this is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins: Do this, as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of me.
Lord, you are wholly and entirely Other. Show us increasingly how to open our hearts, our lives to You. And, day by day, help us to open our hearts to one (an)other. Thank you for teaching us how to love and to accept those different from ourselves. You, O God, are the Supreme example of divine hospitality. You, Great Host of this Holy Table, have welcomed us to the heavenly banquet and sent your Son who died to ensure that all, ALL have a place at Your Table. Hallelujah! As we feast today at Your table, fill us with your Holy Spirit: that our feet will be constantly guided by Hope, that our eyes will be ever open to see and to seize Possibilities, that divine Hospitality will create open spaces in our hearts for the other.
Pour out Your Spirit , O God, upon the offerings set before You on this table and upon those who stand around this holy table offering themselves to you as living sacrifices. We pray that you will make us holy and acceptable that, through us, the establishment of your Kingdom will continue and the entire creation be made better. This is our prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Why I became emotional at the polls
I was anxious when I arrived at the public library in Green Hills to vote early. Because I am in school in Atlanta during the week, I was unable to vote when early voting began as I had wanted. Not knowing how long the line would be, I walked briskly so as to pass the few folk who arrived when I did. While standing in line I thought about my recent move and wondered if I would have to turn that library out because of some questions about my current address. There was only one other darker hued person in line, a young woman who was voting for the first time. When the poll workers became aware of this, an elderly white gentleman sounded the alarm and everyone began to applaud and cheer.
The line was not long but the waiting was getting to me. I needed to cast that vote. There was a sample ballot hanging on the wall (which I reviewed) but only one contest had my attention.
Finally, I was directed to the desk to verify my information (no problems!) and I stood waiting to get to the voting machine. Thoughts of hanging chads and the Florida Secretary of State and sleepless news watching four years earlier crept into my mind. I wondered what we might have to endure this go round.
When I stood at the voting machine I became impatient with the very kind gentleman who prepared it for my vote. I could not wait to see the name and how it would look on the ballot. What I did not expect was my emotional response to seeing it there. I stood there just looking at it and did not immediately move to touch the screen by his name. I wanted to savor the moment. I wanted to etch that image into my brain. When I touched the screen and saw the check appear by his name my mind was flooded with so many thoughts and visions:
It could be that the first president's name that my younger nephews would pronounce could be the name of an African American. Just like they would not find cell phones and the internet to be foreign or new ideas to be learned and incorporated into their thinking, they may not, like I, have to accustom themselves to the notion of black man in the White House. This man might be the first president they really knew.
It could be that a strong, intelligent, confident, articulate black woman will stand at the door of the White House to epitomize hospitality by deepening the world's understanding of the truest meaning of the word.
It could be that Americans might once again be a part of the world community.
It could be that the American demons of racism and hegemony will be further exposed and bound.
It could be that a disaffected people will become engaged.
I thought about Malia and Sasha growing into womanhood in the White House and the level of sophistication to which other little black girls will aspire because of them.
I thought about my brother and his wife, my sister and her husband – black strong, proud, anointed Christian POWER COUPLES on the move to make the world a better place even more inspired by Barack and Michele.
The feeling was elation. The voting machine was the point of contact for my faith.
What came to your mind when you voted? What possibilities have been opened in your mind?